May 24, 2005



: Creative snapping


El said...

are you a professional or is it a hobby? you are good at it, that's for sure!

Sandeep Pillai said...

hey thanks... i'm no professional... jus gone crazy all of a sudden.. have been waiting for sumtime to catch ur next blog ;)

LovingAndLosing said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAh! I've spent enough time staring at it trying to figure out what the hell it is. Now tell me.

Sandeep Pillai said...

hehe....that's a mirror with its handle at the top left corner...and those are beads on it.. knew u were useless!

dhruvaaa said...

tats really very very beautiful...gr8 job man!!

LovingAndLosing said...

That's the ugliest shade of blue I've ever seen!!!

Sandeep Pillai said...

i dint put the blue links on purpose :p.. how do they look now?? back to normal...

Arun Jacob said...

You should try portraits... there's a Yousuf Karsh feel to this picture...

Anonymous said...

Best pic of the lot sandy... great going, Let the creative genius flow...

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